At the end of last year, Sentor Farm aptiekas, which owns the Meness Aptieka pharmacy chain, chose ASHBURN International as its payment service provider. According to the partnership agreement, the network of POS terminals installed in the network’s pharmacies is being updated, and their uninterrupted operation is also ensured.
Currently, the Meness aptieka network in Latvia numbers over 230 pharmacies with almost 500 POS terminals installed. Non-cash payment allows pharmacies to reduce customer service time and, as a result, queues at pharmacies, which is especially important in a pandemic when people try to avoid contact with other people. And it is also important to ensure the continuous and reliable operation of payment devices for a convenient and quick settlement.
“In pharmacies, we install PIN pads – payment terminals, which are integrated with cash registers. Thus, before replacing the Meness aptieka billing equipment, both parties did a serious job of integrating the new POS terminals with the cash register systems. The PharmaPOS company, which produces cash registers, has carried out the necessary certification confirming that the equipment meets all safety requirements for these devices,” says Dainius Einoris, the Head of the PSP department at ASHBURN International.
In Lithuania ASHBURN International provides POS terminal rental and transaction routing services for Norfa and Gintarinė vaistinė pharmacies. Among the largest clients of the company are also Lietuvos Paštas, Senukai, and others.